Friday, October 22, 2010

Due - Production Blog #4 - Test Shoots

Many trips have been made along the A64 to Whitby/Robin Hood's Bay over the last 2 months. Many chips eaten at the Magpie cafe and many Crunchie floaters from Hippy Hippy Shakes. The final preparations took place today as we took the steadycam and walked the narrow cobbled streets, meticulously choreographing out routes for the "being followed" scene.

I'll hopefully upload some video trials next blog but for now here is Scott and Taj hard at it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Due - Production Blog #3 - Locations

Taj and Scott have been hard at work scouring the North East of England for the perfect locations for Due. We are delighted with the finds thus far. It's amazing how closely they resemble the storyboards.

Taken from Scene 1 - We don’t see what he’s running from. He stumbles over a rise; as he gets up, he sees a barn in the distance. He starts running towards it.

Scene 2 - MATURIN slams the door behind him as he enters the barn. It’s an old, abandoned place; dirt floor, rusted tools scattered around.

We also have some gorgeous locations around Robin Hood's Bay, Whitby and Boggle Hole. Principle photography begins 9th November, so expect regular production stills from then on.